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Assess health and safety

Some councils may ask you for a risk assessment for your community event. Here's some simple tips to get you started.

Step 1

​Identify the hazards

All hazards should be identified, including those relating to the individual activities and any equipment. A hazard is something with the potential to cause harm. Only note hazards which could result in significant harm.


Step 2

Identify those at risk

For each hazard identified, list all those who may be affected. Don’t list individuals by name, just list groups of people.


Step 3

Assess the risk

The extent of the risk arising from the hazards identified must be evaluated, and existing control measures taken into account. The risk is the likelihood of the harm arising from the hazard. You should list the existing controls and assess whether or not any further controls are required.


Step 4

Record the findings

Use our Risk Assessment form template to record all significant hazards, the nature and extent of the risks, and the action required to control them. Keep this for future reference or use. You could also refer to other documents you may have, such as manuals, codes of practice etc. Download our sample risk assessment form:

General Risk Assessment Sample Form Eden Project Communities.doc

Microsoft Office document icon General Risk Assessment Sample Form Eden Project Communities.doc


Step 5

Review and revise

If the nature of the risks change during the planning of the event, your health and safety assessments will need to be reviewed and updated.


Step 6

Provide information

Where the risk assessment has identified significant risks, you must provide information to all those affected, regarding the nature of the risk and the control measures to be implemented.

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