Lightbulb illustration used decoratively icon

Food, planet and community

How to bring your community together with sustainable food that nourishes and supports our planet.

Disco Soup event

The ancient tradition of sharing food

Food is a basic human requirement, but there’s so much more to it than that.

Food is how we connect with our communities. It brings people together and provides a social framework to share and communicate with others. Humans have shared food around campfires for thousands of years.

In a world where we’re increasingly disconnected from nature, food is a constant reminder of our planet’s fragile ecosystems and the importance of protecting them.

0 %

of UK land is used for food production*

0 million

food parcels distributed by food banks in the UK in 2022/23*

0 % +

of food produced globally goes to waste**

Plate to planet graphic

Plate to Planet – inspiring food connections

Listen to our new podcast

What we eat has a big impact on our planet. We’ve brought together the best foodie-minds from Eden and WWF-UK to chew over some of the biggest food challenges we’re facing today and look at how small changes can make a big difference.

This year’s Big Lunch is the greenest yet and we’re working with WWF-UK to champion low-cost sustainable dishes that are good for the planet. So, pop on the kettle, grab a bite, and join us for a conversation that’s both delicious and meaningful.

Listen below, or search ‘Plate to Planet’ on Spotify, Amazon Music or Deezer!

Listen now

Listen now

Bring people together with a Big Lunch

The Big Lunch started off with an idea – what if, on one day a year, people came together with their communities and shared a meal?

As we’ve discovered in the years since it started, incredible things can happen as a result of a simple lunch or cup of tea together. Friendlier, safer neighbourhoods where people start to share more – from conversations and ideas, to skills and resources.

So join us this June and host a Big Lunch. Who knows where it might take you?

A number of cardboard takeaway containers with a delicious, colourful medley of vegetables and rice inside

Why does food matter for the planet?

Around 50% of the habitable land on our planet is used to produce food to feed our population. The way that we grow food, by sowing crops, rearing animals and treating land, has a huge impact on the earth. This impact could be greatly positive or very harmful.

Today it’s the leading cause of habitat destruction, biodiversity loss, water pollution and freshwater extraction. But it doesn’t have to be – there are lots of solutions available to us, and new technologies being developed all the time.

Many of these solutions start at home and in your communities. Here’s how you can make a difference through your actions and choices.

How you can make a difference

Community food projects

Community food projects are all about allowing local people to take control of where their food comes from and connecting them with each other and where they live. A food project gets everyone involved, brings communities together, and creates a sense of local pride.


Community is how we create the future we want. We want to make sure everyone is equipped to fight climate change and that we’re all doing this together.

Community means coming together to try and make something better and to share love and food and expand your family to include your neighbours.

Emily, The Cherwell Collective

Three girls hold up a plate of cake wearing Big Lunch tshirts

The greenest Big Lunch challenge

Download our lesson plan

This year, we’re working with WWF-UK on ideas to make this year’s Big Lunch the greenest yet. To help schools get involved, our education teams have created a simple lesson plan for key stage two to get pupils thinking about what ‘greener’ might look like. Designed to cover several areas of the KS2 Citizenship curriculum, this lively lesson plan will teach pupils about some of the simple actions we can all take to make sustainable food choices.

It’s a perfect compliment to our live lesson from the Eden Project rainforest, which explores where our food comes from and why it’s so important!

Download the lesson plan Watch the live lesson