Top tips for our Community Action course 

Top tips from previous participants on how to squeeze every drop of inspiration from our Community Action course and get that ‘fire in your belly’ feeling!

One of the most exciting things about our Community Camp Programme is the possibilities it uncovers. What ideas might be sparked? Who might you meet? Whose story will inspire you?

Between our inspiring speakers and your fellow course participants, there’s a huge wealth of knowledge, enthusiasm and connection to be shared.

The ‘Share your story’ session was the most transformational bit for me. I hadn’t really shared my idea before then – only one person knew. The reaction to my idea was amazing and after I told my story I had so many people (there were 90 on my Camp) approach me, signposting me to initiatives or offering their support.


Lofty’s experience

Lofty is part of the Friends of Tarring Park, working to maintain and improve the local park in Tarring, Worthing, West Sussex. They focus on tasks such as keeping paths clear and accessible, improving flood resilience in the area, litter picking and bringing the community together with events and festivals. Lofty first got involved in his community by helping out with their annual Picnic in the Park, and it all led from there. 

Favourite aspects of the course

  • finding help and training from others with similar ideas 
  • learning from the speakers and following their stories – seeing successful projects having a real impact 
  • learning how to create a team that will achieve goals and objectives together, which was one of the biggest challenges for his community group (moving from words to actions)

Our five top tips for making the most of the course

  • get stuck in, and don’t be afraid to share your story or your idea. Our Community Camp Programme is all about big ideas and the small steps needed to make them happen. 
  • ask questions of others – think about your specific challenges and what you want to learn during the experience. If someone mentions something relevant or interesting to you, message them in the chat or talk to your local CND who may be able to put you in touch with them. 
  • remove distractions at home where you can – create an enjoyable and calm space for you to participate in. 
  • have some post-it notes or a notebook to hand to jot down any ideas or notes, and a cuppa at the ready! Comfort is key.
  • keep an open mind – you might leave the course with an entirely different idea to the one you started with. This is space and time for you to explore ideas and really be creative. Enjoy it! 

Inspiring speakers

Each course has a slightly different set of speakers, but here are just a few of the incredible people who have shared their knowledge and insights with us… 

Chris Hines MBE
A highly respected communicator and driver of positive change who co-founded Surfers Against Sewage.

Mel and Andy
Two of the co-founders of MoreHuman, which is a nifty piece of events software designed to make organising and promoting events super easy!

Kathryn Welch
A leader and project manager especially interested in initiatives that help people actively shape the places that they live, and which widen access or tackle social injustices.