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Kate Humble’s Rhubarb & Ginger Jelly

A huge thank you to Kate Humble for this gorgeous grown-up jelly recipe!

“If you liked jelly as a child, give this fabulous grown-up version a whirl! It’s a great one to make ahead of your Big Lunch or dinner party – pulling it out of the fridge as you need it. Serve on its own or with a creamy ice cream of your choice.”


Serves 4

  • 2–3 stalks of rhubarb, trimmed
  • zest of 1 unwaxed orange, juice of ½
  • runny honey or maple syrup
  • 1 packet of orange jelly
  • ginger beer
  • ginger wine (optional)


Rhubarb & Ginger Jelly
Step 1

Cut the rhubarb into chunks. The size will depend on what you want your final jelly to end up in – individual glasses, ramekins, or one big bowl.

Step 2

Put the rhubarb chunks in a pan with the orange zest and juice and add runny honey or maple syrup to taste. Poach until the rhubarb is soft but still holds it shape – about 5 minutes.

Step 3

Arrange the rhubarb on the bottom of the dish of your choice and leave to cool.

Step 4

Cut up the jelly and put it into a measuring jug. Dissolve it in a little boiling water, then top up with ginger beer until you have 500ml (18fl oz) of liquid.

(Mum also advocates using a splash of ginger wine if you have it. I’m beginning to realize, as she sends me more of her recipes, that she advises putting booze in almost everything – Kate)

Kate Humble

Many thanks again to Kate Humble for sharing this delicious recipe from her book Home Cooked Recipes from the Farm. Published by Gaia. Photo credits: Claire Richardson.