Community Action Response graphic (illustrative, download below)

Community Action Response

The Community Action Response (CAR) is led by a group of organisations from different sectors with the joint aim to encourage everyone to do what they can to support their communities, and particularly vulnerable and isolated people.


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What is Community Action Response (CAR)?

CAR was formed as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and continues to support UK communities, in particular the most vulnerable and isolated.

CAR is a group of over 35 community focussed charities campaigning for neighbours, community groups and individuals to do their bit to reduce the impact of social isolation, loneliness and localised inequality.

It is more important than ever that we unite and look out for each other. That’s why we’re joining forces with our friends and partners to call on everyone in our wider community to take positive and direct action to collaborate, support and care for each other.

Peter Stewart, Executive Director (Eden Project Communities)

How to support Community Action Response

During challenging times, let’s come together to maintain community strength and support the people around us.

  • download the resources below to use on your channels to encourage kindness and community support
  • keep up-to-date on all things community by signing up to our newsletter

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Our partners

We’re proud to work alongside over 35 amazing organisations, all working together to support communities.