The Big Lunch map

There have been well over one million Big Lunch events since they started in 2009. And, as they take place right across the UK (and the world!), there’s almost certainly one taking place near you.

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Please note public events display as the teal ‘pin’ shapes while private events display as grey circles.

A glass donation jar is having a 5 pound note added amidst a beautifully set table containing cakes, drinks and flowers.

Fundraise with The Big Lunch

Thanks to the amazing organisers and neighbourhoods who join in every year, over £87 million has been raised for good causes through Big Lunches since 2015, with more than 3/4 going to local charities or causes. That really is something to celebrate!

Please consider fundraising for the Eden Project with your Big Lunch. Even gifting a small amount of your fundraising pot can help us support more Big Lunches and reconnect communities with nature.

Download your fundraising pack

Fundraising ideas